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10 Copywriting Tips to Implement in 2023

Quality copywriting helps ensure the content you put out into the world is clear and engaging. Copywriting allows you to share your brand’s messages while attracting attention from your target customers, educating your audience, and inspiring them to take action. Are you looking to improve your copywriting this year? Here are 10 copywriting tips to implement in 2023.


1. Make Your Copy Readable

Long blocks of text are daunting. Instead, make your copy easier to read by writing shorter paragraphs using simple vocabulary. It’s also helpful to divide your content into sections and include subheadings, which makes the copy scannable. Even if someone doesn’t read every word, they can read the subheadings to understand the main points. Using bulleted lists can also make it easier and faster to read your copy.


2. Write in Your Brand Voice

Copy is an opportunity to let your brand’s personality shine. Is your brand playful and fun, or more serious and formal? Write copy that uses specific words and phrases to reflect that tone. This can help your copy stand out from competitors’ copy and help you better connect with your audience. 


3. Clearly State Your Unique Selling Proposition

A unique selling proposition (USP) states what it is about your product, service, or brand that other companies don’t offer. For example, you might have the least expensive option on the market, or you can guarantee specific outcomes. Think about what differentiates you from the competition and make sure to include that in your copy.


4. Optimize Your Copy Using On-Page SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) best practices can help your content rank higher in search results pages, making it more likely your target audience will see your content. To optimize your content for SEO, be sure to include headings and subheadings in your copy, as well as internal and external links. Make you URLs short and use keywords in them. Write meta tags and descriptions and be sure to write alt text for any images you include.


5. Use Keywords Specific to Your Target Audience

Using keywords is an important part of SEO – make sure you’re using ones that are specific to your target audience. You can research keywords by using tools like Semrush or Ahrefs. You can also enter a search term in Google and see what other phrases people are searching for in the “Related searches” and “People also ask” sections in the search results. When writing copy, remember to still write in a way that sounds natural rather than stuffing as many keywords as you can into the content.


6. Think About Voice Search

Voice search is increasingly popular as people choose to speak their search queries out loud instead of typing them in. When using voice search, people often ask longer questions than they do when typing. While you’re writing copy, use long-tail keywords and questions to optimize your copy for people who use voice search.


7. Solve Your Customer’s Problems

When writing copy, don’t just talk about the services you offer or your product’s features – talk about how you solve your customer’s problems. This gives your copy purpose and gives your audience a reason to read your content. Get clear on who your customers are and the pain points they experience, then explain how you solve those problems.


8. Focus on Benefits Over Features

A long list of features can get boring quickly. Instead, focus on the benefits of your product or service. This helps your reader understand the value that your product or service provides. For example, instead of saying your app has “a new calendar feature,” talk about how your product helps people manage their busy schedules. This also helps you clearly express how your product or service solves your customer’s pain points.


9. Show the Proof

Using stats in your writing is a great way to prove that the claims you’re making are true. For example, if you say your product or service helps companies increase their revenue, perhaps you can share the average revenue increase that your customers experience. Instead of simply saying that people love your product or service, share testimonials from real customers.


10. Include a Call to Action

What action do you want readers to take after reading your copy? Include a call to action (CTA) to encourage next steps. Perhaps you want visitors to request a demo after reading a sales page or download a PDF after reading a blog post. CTAs make it clear exactly what the reader should do next and can help increase conversions.


Need Copy? We’ve Got You!

There’s a lot to keep in mind when writing copy. Don’t want to do it yourself? We can help! Healthy Dash of Social offers copywriting services as well as a variety of digital marketing services to help you engage your audience, grow brand awareness, and drive sales. Contact us to learn more.